Verse 4
Now the positioning of this verse in relation to the previous one: here it is being specific after being general, to proclaim over the heads of witnesses the distinction of those People of the Book who believe, and to silence those of them who hold back from it, and to take those like 'Abdullah ibn Salam1 by the hand so as to encourage others to follow his example. Moreover, it states unequivocally that there are two sorts of Godfearing people (muttaqî), thus stating openly that the Qur'an's guidance embraces all peoples, and inferring that Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was sent as Messenger to all nations without exception. Also, by elucidating the pillars of belief contained in the shell of "who believe in the Unseen (yu'minûna bi'l-ghayb)," it supplies details after its previous succinct statements, for it makes explicit mention of the revealed books and resurrection of the dead, and implicit reference to the prophets and angels
1.Abû Yusuf 'Abdullah ibn al-Salâm al-Hârith (d. 43/663). He was a learned Jew who accepted Islam and became one of the Prophet's (UWBP) Companions.