Isharat al-I'jaz | Verse 28 | 250

• If you were to ask: Returning to Allâh the Most High necessitates having come from Him in the first place, and because of this some people have imagined there to be union [with Allâh] and some Sufis have fallen into doubt?

You would be told: Just as in this world there is existence and its continuance, so in the hereafter there is existence and its continuance. In this world of flux and change existence emanates from the hand of power without intermediary, but [its] continuance is encompassed by composition and decomposition, and the disposal of power and change, and for the instances of wisdom mentioned above causes intervene [in it]. But in the hereafter both existence and [its] continuance will appear [directly] from the hand of power with all their necessities and compositions, and everything will know its True Owner. If you think about this, you will understand the meaning of "return."

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