Isharat al-I'jaz | Verses 31-33: | 277

The [pronominal suffix] "-hum - them" is used for masculine rational beings so expounds the two things that render beings superior to others (,taghlîb) [that is, masculinity and reason] and the metaphor hinted at by the word "He presented ('arada)." For one imagines from [Allâh] despatching the varieties of beings which parade rank upon rank for inspection, that they are regiments (lit. tribes) of [masculine] intelligent beings advancing towards [the angels].

"To ('alâ)" hints that what is presented to [the angels] are the forms [of things] inscribed on the Sublime Tablet.

Glory be unto to You, we have no knowledge save that which

You have taught us; indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.


And the close of their cry will be: All praise be to Allâh, the

Lord and Sustainer of all the worlds !(10:10)

[In a manner entirely outside my will, this verse occurred to me when I came to the end of most of the Words (Sözler) and Letters (Mektûbat). Now I realize that this commentary was concluded with the same verse, and that all the Words are a sort of true commentary on it and a sparkling stream issuing from its ocean, and at their conclusions pour [back] into it. It is as though all the Words gush forth [and begin] from the verse here at the end of this commentary. Hence, ever since that time [when the commentary was written] I have been unable to finish expounding the verse that I might begin its second volume. Said Nursi ]

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