The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 395

If daylight and the imaginary miniature suns represented in the shining objects on the earth are not attributed to the sun and they are  not said to be the manifestation of the suns reflection, it would be necessary for the actual sun to be present  in  all fragments of glass, drops of water and snow-flakes glistening on the face of the earth, and even in all particles of air, so that the universal light could exist.

Thus, wisdom is a light; all-embracing mercy is a light; adorning, balancing, ordering,  and cleansing are each an encompassing light: they are all the rays of the Pre-Eternal Sun.  So  see  how misguidance  and  unbelief have  entered  a bog  from which there is no escape! See just how idiotic is the ignorance of misguidance! Say: Praise be to God for the religion of Islam and complete and perfect belief!

For sure, this exalted, universal cleansing which keeps the palace of the universe clean is the manifestation and requirement of the divine name Most Holy. Yes, just as the  glorification of all creatures looks to the name Most Holy, so does the name of Most Holy require their cleanliness.1

It  is  because   of  this  sacred   connection  of   cleanliness  that  the   Hadith, Cleanliness is a part of belief2  deems it to be a light of belief. And the verse,


Indeed, God loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean(2:222)


shows that cleanliness is a means of attracting Gods love.


1   We must not forget that bad qualities, false beliefs, sins and innovation are all instances of moral and spiritual dirt.

2   Muslim, Tahara, 1; Darimi, Vudu, 2; Musnad, v, 342, 344; al-Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa, 291.

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