The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 396


The Divine Name All-Just


And there is not a thing but its [sources and] treasures [inexhaustible] are with   Us;   but  We  only  send  down  thereof  in  due  and  ascertainable measures.(15:21)


One point concerning this  verse and one manifestation of the name All-Just, which is a greatest name or one of the six lights comprising the Greatest Name, like the First Point, appeared to me from afar while in Eskişehir Prison. In order to bring it closer to the understanding, we say the following; again by means of a comparison:

The universe is a palace, but it is such a palace that within it is a city that suffers the upheavals of constant destruction and reconstruction. Within the city is a country that is being  continuously agitated by war and emigration. Within the country is a world which is  unceasingly revolving amid death and life. But such an astonishing balance, equilibrium and  equilibration prevail in the palace, city, country and world that it self-evidently proves that  the  transformations, and incomings and outgoings apparent in their innumerable beings are being measured and weighed every moment on the scales of a Single Being who sees and supervises the whole universe.

For if it had been otherwise, if causes had been free and unrestrained, which tr y to  destroy the balance and overrun everything, with a single fish laying a thousand eggs and a single flower like the poppy producing twenty thousand seeds, and with the onslaught and violence of change and the elements flowing in floods, or if it had been referred to aimless, purposeless chance, anarchic blind forces, and unconscious dark nature, the equilibrium of beings and balance of the universe would have been so utterly destroyed  that within a  year,  indeed within a day, there would  have been chaos. That is to say, the seas would have been filled with wreckage in total disorder and  confusion  and  would  have  become  fetid;  the  atmosphere  would  have  been poisoned with noxious gases; and as for the earth, it would have turned into a refuse- heap, slaughter-house, and swamp. The world would have suffocated.

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