The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 399

God forbid, a hundred thousand times, God forbid! Would a mercy and wisdom  which  compassionately  preserve  the  rights  of  life  of  a  fly  violate  the countless   rights  of  life  of  all  conscious  beings  and  the  numberless  rights  of numberless beings,  by not bringing about the resurrection? And if one may say so, would a splendid dominicality which displays infinite sensitivity and care in its mercy and compassion and justice and wisdom, and a divine sovereignty which adorns the universe  with  His  endless  wondrous  arts  and  bounties  in  order  to  display  His perfections and make himself known and loved,  permit there to be no resurrection, which would reduce to nothing the value of creatures and  all their perfections, and make them denied? God forbid! Such an absolute beauty clearly would not permit such absolute ugliness.

Yes, the person who wants to deny the hereafter must first deny all the world and all its truths. Otherwise the world together with all its truths will give him the lie with a hundred  thousand tongues, proving the compounded nature of his lie. The Tenth Word proves with certain evidences that the existence of the hereafter is as definite and indubitable as the existence of this world.

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