The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 397

Thus, everything from the cells of an animate body, the red and white corpuscles in the blood, the transformations of minute particles, and the mutual proportion and relation of the bodys organs, to the incomings and outgoings of the seas, the income and expenditure of springs under the earth, the birth and death of animals and plants, the destruction of autumn and the reconstruction of spring, the duties and motion of the  elements and the stars, and the alternations, struggles and clashes of death and life,  light  and  darkness, and heat and cold, are ordered  and weighed with so sensitive a balance, so  fine a measure, that the human mind can nowhere see any waste or futility, just as human  science and philosophy observe everywhere and demonstrate the most perfect order and beautiful symmetry. Indeed, human science and philosophy are a manifestation and interpreter  of that order and symmetry.

So, come and consider the balance and equilibrium of the sun and its twelve planets. Does it not point as clearly as the sun to the All-Glorious One who is All-Just and All-Powerful? Especially our ship, that is, the globe of the earth, which is one of the planets; it travels an orbit of twenty-four thousand years in one year, not scattering or shaking the things stored up and stacked on its face, despite its extraordinary speed, nor throwing them off into  space. If its speed had been increased or reduced just a little, it would have thrown its inhabitants off into the atmosphere, and scattered them through space. And if its balance was to be destroyed for a minute, or even a second, it would destroy the world. Indeed, it would clash with another body and doomsday would break forth.

Especially the  compassionate  balance  on  the  face  of the  earth of  the  births, deaths, livelihoods, and lives of the four hundred thousand plant and animal species; it shows a single Just and Compassionate One, as clearly as light shows the sun.

Especially the members, faculties, and senses of a single of the innumerable members of those species; they are related to each other with so fine a balance and equilibrium that  their balance  and  mutual proportion show an All-Wise and  Just Maker so clearly as to be self-evident.

Especially the cells and blood-vessels in the bodies of animals, and the corpuscles in the blood and particles in the corpuscles; they have such a fine, sensitive, and wondrous  balance  that  it  self-evidently  proves  that  they  are  being  nurtured  and administered  through  the  balance,  law,  and  order  of  a  single  All-Just  and  Wise Creator who holds the reins of all things, has the key to all things, for whom nothing is an obstacle to anything else, and directs all things as easily as a single thing.

If someone who does not believe or deems it unlikely that the deeds of jinn and men will be weighed up on the supreme scales of justice at the Last Judgement notes carefully this vast balance, which he can observe in this world with his own eyes, he will surely no longer consider it unlikely.

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