The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Thirtieth Flash | 398

O wasteful, prodigal.. wrongful, unjust.. dirty, unclean.. wretched man! You have not  acted  in  accordance  with  the  economy,  cleanliness,  and  justice  that  are  the principles by which the whole universe and all beings act, and are therefore in effect the  object  of  their  anger  and  disgust.  On  what  do  you  rely  that  through  your wrongdoing and  disequilibrium, your wastefulness and uncleanliness, you make all beings  angry?  Yes,  the  universal  wisdom  of  the  universe,  which  is  the  greatest manifestation of the divine name of All-Wise, turns on economy and lack of waste. It commands frugality. And the total justice in the universe proceeding from the greatest manifestation of the Name All-Just, administers the balance of all things and enjoins justice  on  man.  Mentioning  the  word  balance  four  times,  the  verses  in  Sura  al- Rahman,


And the firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the balance [of justice], * In order that you may not transgress [due] balance. * So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance,(35:7-9)


indicate four degrees and four sorts of balance, showing its immensity and supreme importance in the universe. Yes, just as there is no wastefulness in anything, so in nothing is there true injustice or imbalance.

The cleanliness and purification proceeding from the name Most Holy cleans and makes beautiful all the beings in the universe. So long as mans dirty hand does not interfere, there is no true uncleanliness or ugliness in anything.

So you may understand how basic to human life are the principles of justice, frugality, and cleanliness, which are truths of the Quran and Islamic principles. And know how closely  connected with the universe  are the injunctions of the Qur’an, having spread their firm roots everywhere, and that it is as impossible to destroy those truths as it is to destroy the universe and change its form.

Is it at all possible that although hundreds of comprehensive truths like these three vast lights, such as mercy, grace, and preservation, require and necessitate the resurrection of the dead and the hereafter, such powerful and all-encompassing truths as mercy,  favour,  justice,  wisdom, frugality, and cleanliness, which govern in the universe  and  all beings,  should be transformed into  unkindness,  tyranny,  lack of wisdom, wastefulness, uncleanliness, and futility, by there being no hereafter and the resurrection not occurring?

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