Isharat al-I'jaz | Verse 4 | 61

The Fourth Proof, which elucidates the Third: The sciences show that there is no waste in creation. If your mind is incapable of perceiving the instances of wisdom in the macrocosm, that is, the world, scrutinize the microcosm, which is man. For the science of anatomy has described and proved them. In the human body are approximately six hundred bones each of which has a particular function. And there are six thousand veins and arteries for the circulation of the blood, each with its own use. And there are twenty-four thousand pores and ducts in the cells. And in each cell function the five powers of attraction, repulsion, holding (mum-sika), forming (musawwira), and reproduction, which all have their own purposes.

If the microcosm is thus, would the macrocosm be defective in comparison? If there is this absence of waste in the body, which has no importance compared with its essence, is it conceivable that the spirit would be neglected? Or that spiritual matters and hopes and ideas, which are the works of the spirit, should be wasted? If it were not for eternal happiness, all spiritual matters would shrivel up and be wasted. For God's sake, is it reasonably possible that you should have a jewel worth the world and look after its shell and case, not even letting it become dusty, then take it and smash it to smithereens and destroy all trace of it? Absolutely not! You only look after the case for what it contains. Furthermore, if a person's sound constitution and healthy members and faculties give you to understand that he will continue to live and develop, do not the constant reality permeating the spirit of the universe, and the total force indicating the continued existence of its order, and the perfection causing the maturation (takammul) of its overall system all show you that eternal happiness will arrive through the door of bodily resurrection? For it is only resurrection that saves the order from disturbance, and is the means of its maturation, and for the unfolding of that perpetual force.

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