Isharat al-I'jaz | Verse 4 | 64

Now study the gages of the subtle matter that bears the members' sustenance, how it is spread to all the parts of the body in a way that astonishes the mind, and how it is apportioned according to a specific law of division appropriately to the needs of the members. This is after it has been distilled by passing in accordance with a fixed order and specific rules and extraordinary process through the body's four filters, and being cooked in its four kitchens, and undergoing four wondrous transformations; and the sustenance having been obtained according to a regular law, and particular system, and specific rule from substances dispersed through the world of the elements.

All the laws and systems in these stages show transparently a driving force, an intention, and wisdom. How could it not be thus? If you study an atom from the caravan of the subtle matter [known as sustenance], for example one concealed in the element of the air which finally becomes part of the pupil of Habib's eye, you will see that its path has been determined in the air, as though charged and commanded to proceed to the place appointed for it. And if you consider it with a scientific eye, you will be certain that it is not in motion through blind chance and aimless coincidence, for whatever level it enters upon it conforms to its particular order, and whatever stage it rises to it knows its specific laws, and to what level it travels to it is driven with a wondrous, orderly motion. It passes through all these stages till it reaches its destination. And it never deviates even an iota from its intended goal.

In Short: Whoever ponders over the first creation will cease to have any doubts concerning the second. Indeed, the Prophet (Upon whom be blessings and peace) said: "How strange the person who sees the first creation yet denies the second!"

For the soldiers of a regiment to gather together at the sound of the bugle after having dispersed to rest, emerging from every nook and cranny, and to form ranks under their flag, is far easier than calling them up the first time and taking them under discipline and arms. Similarly, it is easier for particles that are closely acquainted having been intermingled in a single body to regather at sound of israfil's trumpet, and for them all to come from every side in response to their Creator's command; this is easier and reasonably more possible than their original creation and composition. For in relation to divine power, the greatest thing is equal to the smallest.

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