Isharat al-I'jaz | Verses 23-24:About the Prophethood of Muhammad (sa | 186

If you have understood these points, reflect on another. It is this:

The history of the world testifies that unique geniuses are those men who are capable of developing the innate talents of all the people, and revealing their particular traits, and arousing their emotions, for if he does not arouse those dormant emotions, his efforts will all be in vain, or temporary, no matter how illustrious he is in himself.

History also shows us that even the greatest people are successful at arousing only a few of those general emotions, like the feeling of patriotism, and the sense of brotherhood, and feelings of love, and the desire for freedom, and so on. Is it therefore not a wonder and extraordinary to arouse thousands of such emotions, latent and elevated, and make them burst forth and unfold in a nomadic people scattered through the endless deserts of Arabia? Indeed it is so! It is a light from the sun of reality. Anyone who has not got this point into his head, we shall thrust the Arabian Peninsula into his mind's eye! And now it is after thirteen centuries and after mankind has climbed the rungs of civilization and progress. So, O obdurate one! Pick a hundred eminent philosophers and let them strive for a hundred years and see if they can do one hundredth of what Muhammad the Arabian (UWBP) did in his time. And if they cannot, and they will not be able to, you should beware of what happens to the obdurate! For his achievement was indeed extraordinary and was only one of his [many] miracles (Upon whom be blessings and peace).

You should understand too that a person who wants to succeed has to [act] in accordance with the divine laws ('âdât Allâh), be knowledgeable of the natural laws, and conform to social relations, otherwise the innate disposition of things (al-fitra) will respond to him by denying him success and will confound him. Also, a person who follows a [particular] way in society should not oppose the general current, otherwise it will work against him rather than for him. Consequently, if a person is aided by success within the general current, as was Muhammad (Upon whom be peace), it is proved that he adhered to the truth.

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